Sunday, January 4, 2009

PROCESS is here!

Process is a Gloucester lit mag with a post-Olson awareness, and many of the writers they've published were directly influenced by him.--OlsonNow

The first issue of Process, a new literary journal, is now available. Edited by David and Lisa Rich and published in Gloucester, Process offers cutting-edge poetry, prose and drama in a stunningly designed format. The intention of the editors is to present work by new and established writers world-wide; work completed and work in process. Contents for the first issue:


Edward Dahlberg: Previously unpublished letters to Louis Zukofsky and Fanny Howe; poem entitled "For Louis Zukofsky;" and an excerpt from his 1934 novel Those Who Perish.

Peter Anastas: Excerpt from the unpublished 1962 novel Until the Axle Break.

Jonathan Bayliss: Excerpt from the forthcoming novel Gloucestermas, last volume of the Gloucesterman Trilogy.

Michael Rumaker: Excerpt from the controversial play Queers, previously printed only in German, produced only in Germany and the Netherlands.


Clayton Eshleman: "Dali," "Inner Parliaments," translation of "The Eternal Bum in the Heart of Bohemia" by Czech poet Milan Exner.

Alan Davies: "Once in a Blue Moon," "Slooping Down the Long Slope Toward," "We're moving forward down the then."

Diane Wakoski: "Black Ship Drawn Up On A White Beach," "On Leonard Cohen's Greek Island," "Proust Askew: Poem Using A Line From John Wieners."

Christopher Rizzo: "East Meditation Suite."

Jerome Rothenberg: from "Fifty Caprichos, After Goya."

James Cook: "Companion to the WPA Guide to Massachusetts," translation of "Confusion" by Federico Garcia Lorca.

Nathaniel Tarn: "At the Funeral of a Child Too Old to Die."
Ewa Chrusciel: "Invasion," Of Wonders," "Undoing Paul Celan."

Pierre Joris: from "Meditations on the 40 Stations of Mansour Al-Hallaj."

Nancy Kuhl: "N is for the Nightjar," "[Some Words from that Letter]."

Janet Rodney: "There Are No Accidents."

Saint-Pol-Roux: "Alouettes," translated as "Larks" by Lisa Rich

John Mulrooney: "2007, Fragment After Wieners," "Heard at Oakes Cove."

Price: $15 (order from the editors; also on sale at many independent booksellers)

Email contact:

The editors can also be contacted at P.O. Box 1268, Gloucester, MA 01931-1268 and